Helloo, hello world, how are you all?
Things are kinda good here, minus the exams! I hate exams! Ahh, they only cause lack of sleeping (well, not always :P) and anxiety! -.-
This is why I stopped by a 1€ shop when going home after my last day's exams. And I only bought a dark gray nail polish that I looooved! I'm really into gray and brown polishes this season! I think they are both very pretty colours, match with everything, and you can wear them every day! [Yay for gray! Wow for brown!]
I'm sorry, I'm being silly, it's the studying!
Anyway, I bought this one for 1.50€, or $2-2.50 and I might wanted to buy the lighter gray nail polish, but I like this one too so far! Here are some pictures!
As you can see, the nail polish is by Beauty Line Cosmetics. I've been buying their nail polishes for many years, and I am totally satisfied! They are cheap, but they are great quality! You need two coats to get a full colour, but only one also works for me!
I also want to show you some of the eyeshadows I got, a face cream one friend makes and more! Just let me finish my exams, on 2/9! Can't wait!
What are your favourite colours for nails this season?
Hope you are all good!

Things are kinda good here, minus the exams! I hate exams! Ahh, they only cause lack of sleeping (well, not always :P) and anxiety! -.-
This is why I stopped by a 1€ shop when going home after my last day's exams. And I only bought a dark gray nail polish that I looooved! I'm really into gray and brown polishes this season! I think they are both very pretty colours, match with everything, and you can wear them every day! [Yay for gray! Wow for brown!]
I'm sorry, I'm being silly, it's the studying!
Anyway, I bought this one for 1.50€, or $2-2.50 and I might wanted to buy the lighter gray nail polish, but I like this one too so far! Here are some pictures!
As you can see, the nail polish is by Beauty Line Cosmetics. I've been buying their nail polishes for many years, and I am totally satisfied! They are cheap, but they are great quality! You need two coats to get a full colour, but only one also works for me!
I also want to show you some of the eyeshadows I got, a face cream one friend makes and more! Just let me finish my exams, on 2/9! Can't wait!
What are your favourite colours for nails this season?
Hope you are all good!

Teleio xrwma..
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήProsfata eida auth thn marka sta Hondos k mou ekane entypwsh h timh..
Den phra kanena alla sigoura tha parw afou les oti einai kala gia thn timh!
Polla filia
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήAli8eia? Den iksera oti ta exoun kai sta Hondos oute oti ta Hondos exoun toso ftina mano/ozes :P
Wraia, xairomai pou anagnwrizontai!
Pretty polish!
Twitter @theloudermouth
Style Blogger Contest
Wraio xrwma. Nomizw oti ta exw dei ston Dafni i kapou allou, den thymamai. Egw pira prosfata ena poly wraio gkri, ligo pio anoixto apo to diko sou k to pira pamfthina (1,70€) kai periergws einai poly kalo. Kamia fora k ta ftina einai kala! xxx
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήPoly omorfo xromataki, me geia! :) Tha ta tsekarw ta vernikia pou les :) x
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήsymfwnw apolyta..einai f8hna exoun polla xrwmata k h poiothta einai super!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήeinai kapoies markes pou aksizoun! :)
yes and let me know
ta kses k esu? xairomai! :D nai ontwss!!